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In my journey of bread making, I came across a recipe that I’m dying to share with you for a number of reasons. It’s a really simple recipe-and it contains no yeast. Because it has no yeast, it takes less preparation time-great for working moms! And it contains a potato-which just sounds fun to say. Actually, I learned from research, and from making this recipe, that replacing a portion of the flour in your bread with potatoes can result in a softer and moister loaf. Who knew?

The recipe comes from the New Dr. Price Cookbook, published in 1921 by the Royal Baking Powder company-which explains why there is so much baking powder in the recipe! Baking powder, of course, serves as the leavening agent and while the amount may seem large, it really does work. Here’s the recipe

• 4 cups flour
• 1 teaspoon salt
• 1 tablespoon sugar
• 7 teaspoons baking powder
• 1 medium-sized, cold, boiled potato
• 2 cups milk (water may be used)

Boil a potato. You can use leftover mashed potatoes (about ¾ of a cup, no more) but I decided to use a real potato, grated into the dough. I boiled one medium skinned potato for about 20 minutes until it was easily pierced with the fork. The boiling process steamed up my windows!

After draining the potato, I rinsed it with cold water and then filled the saucepan with ice water and let it sit another 20 minutes. Viola, cold boiled potato!
Sift the flour, salt, sugar and baking powder.

Grate the potato into the flour mixture.

Mix the potato into the flour-it will resemble course crumbs.

Add the milk and mix the whole combination until the dough is smooth and soft. Turn it into a greased loaf. Smooth the top with a knife dipped in melted butter.

Allow the loaf to stand in a warm place for 30 minutes. Bake at 375 degrees for 40 minutes.

The loaf turned out looking exactly like the yeast loaves I’ve been making. The taste was unique-sort of like a biscuit in slices. It was really delicious with butter and jam, very soft and moist. This is a great recipes if you want homemade bread in a hurry. Enjoy!